CB Productions
Project name:
The Break of Faith
Reasons for genre:
I chose Drama-Thriller because I enjoy creating tense and chilling moments that may catch the audience by surprise. It also challenges me to make an interesting story-line, incorporating a twist and unsolved mysteries.
The Break of Faith is about a writer named Faith, and her relationship with Luke as it starts and as it develops over time. We as an audience will watch their moments together as their love begins to grow over time, and through their arguments and ordinary conflict within a couple. However, it will take a spin in direction as it becomes a lot less ordinary, and more chilling when Luke behaves differently, paranoid and jealous. The climax will question whether we all will surrender anything for the sake of love.
Target audience:
My target audience are ages 15- 35. This is because the majority of teens visit the cinema and them along with adults take a liking to drama thriller movies, as they can follow and understand the tense themes. Furthermore, the abusive scenes within the film would be inappropriate for ages below 15 to view as they may be affected deeper.
Publishing suggestions:
I will use YouTube to publish my film, Twitter and Facebook. This is linked with the target audience, who are the main users of these social network sites, and so this will be a good way for them to gain access and view my film, possibly also giving a review and feedback, which will come in use for any future films I may produce for this target audience.
Comparable products:
My production is highly influenced by the BBC Three film ' Murdered by my Boyfriend'. It is a comparable product as both films focus on the domestic abuse issue and highlight the decisions as to why there may be people stuck for the sake of love. This film was shown at 10pm on television to target a similar audience, which also has a majority of viewers that are older teens and adults. However, rather than incorporating an immediate death tragedy, I've added an unknown climax, which will allow the audience to interpret in their own way.
Rationale behind my script:
When making my script, there will be a main focus on detail within the stage directions, as I will not incorporate any dialogue. I will focus on the importance of each short scene shown and how it all comes together to influence the final outcome. The voice-over will be displayed clearly in the script in stars (*), so my actress is aware she will be doing a voice recording, rather than speaking live on camera. I've decided to use a voice-over because I want to focus on the bond between the two characters, and leave the speaking only as Faith's own experience and her perception on things, which will hopefully be interesting for the audience to listen to.
How will I test how successful my product is?
I will be using a post questionnaire to gain a response as to whether my product is successful through the results on social networking sites. This would benefit me as I can reach my target audience through the general public and social networks.
Overt message:
The overt message is about domestic abuse and the negative impact it can bring on a person. It sympathises with those who may be victims and how they may become trapped through threat and the unexpected change in behaviour. Things do no always start out as how they seem.
Covert message:
The covert message will mirror Faith's voice-over, as she will talk about the happy moments with Luke and how much a person can make you forgive them because of the hold they have on you, and that things were never always that bad. It's about the hidden voice that keeps you from leaving in such circumstances. which does reflect some people in society. Overall, Faith questions herself and whether she'd do it all over again in order to relive those happiest moments with Luke.
Resource constraints:
One main problem may be finding actors who can fit the criteria, of looking the part and acting to the standard I will need to make my production convincing and affect my audience. Also, it may be challenging to keep the budget at a minimal as I plan to use locations in central London, and travelling will take up time and money. Also, the equipment will be heavy and so I may need an assistant to help me manage. Furthermore I will need to find committed actors that will be on time and willing to shoot the scenes in various locations, whilst being challenged to create a convincing couple.
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